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San Juans - Silverton & Ouray

Fri Aug 8, 2025 to Mon Aug 25, 2025    

Mark your calendars for August 2025...

Please join us as your schedule permits.  We will be camping starting Friday 8-8-25 at the Silverton Lakes South RV Park & Cabins in Silverton.  On Saturday we are planning to run Black Bear Pass into Telluride and then back through Ophir Pass and back to Silverton. On Sunday we will head out to Poughkeepsie Gulch.  We will be in Silverton until Monday 8-11 when we will move our camp to the KOA Ouray just 4 miles north of town.  We will be there until 8-25 when we head home.

We plan to run as many trails as possible.  Should your schedule permit a visit, we would love to see you for as long as you wish to join us. You need to make your own camping accomodations.  Please email to advise on attendance.