And one more for good measure

At the Downtown Takeover in Farmington

Just another view

Other side

20 % tinted Glass installed.

Latest pic. Decided 35s were to big went down to 32s

Pulled it out of the shop on its own power to load it on a trailer to take to the exhaust shop.

Another angle out in the day light.

Other corner

On the trailer now I now know it fits on it.

Standing on it's own four feet with new shoes!

It is getting close to being on the road.

Tire/can carrier installed

Doors on but will come back off.

Making progress on assemblly

Where it started

Test fit everthing then took it all apart to keep working on it

During test fit up of everything

Wet ground glass blasted the body

Other side

First progress in almost a year. Painted the tub with an epoxy based primer

Primed the tub

Primed the tub

Empty dash and steering column in

Just another picture

Windshield back on

Hard top back on. I will take the glass out next.

Then start building the roll cage and seat mounts

Side bar fitted

Cross bars fitted

View of the cross bars from the rear

Roll cage and seat frame installed.

Just anohter view.

Gear shift mounting figured out

Building the front bumper

Ready for Sandblasting

The start of brakes.

Step 2 of brakes.

Cut hole in dash for tach, clock and trans temp.

Cut hole for mounting my sPOD switches

Built brackets for mounting the electirc fan to the radiator and grill.

3 or 4 days in to putting it together for the finial time I hope.

Set dash to work on AC and heater hose for the under dash unit

mounted grill and right fender to fit hoses for AC and heater underdash unit

mounted grill and right fender to fit hoses for AC and heater underdash unit

Started wiring dash

Steering colmun in

along with steering shaft.